You may have seen videos and pictures online of all the cats enjoying outings as much as the dogs. You may still think that it takes special training to get your cat to walk on a leash, but you may be pleasantly surprised to find out how easy it is to train them.

If your cat has a wanderlust, taking them out to see the sights may be just what they need to fill up. So here we take a look at how easy it is to train your cat to walk on a leash and how to do so safely. Let’s discuss!

  1. Consider personality factors

Some cats will be very keen to go out on a leash. They are curious and want to see the sights and smell the smells around town. Others, however, won’t be as excited.

We’re more interested in snuggling up in our favorite window to sunbathe and brush our fur than venturing out into the unknown. So, if your cat shows a lack of interest, the whole process may not go as expected.

However, most cats show an interest in exploring, so you shouldn’t have too much of a problem. Still, it’s best to take every cat into consideration.

Beautiful gray Maine Coon cat holding a leash and harness for a walk in a city park

  1. Measure your cat!

Before you begin the shopping process, you must properly measure your cat. Each leash and harness has its own size chart, so it’s best to check the information on the business page.

Record your cat’s measurements and match them to the size chart shown. Usually, you have to measure the length of your cat’s neck, chest and back.

  1. Buy a suitable harness

Don’t underestimate the power of reviews when you want to buy a harness for your cat. You’ll see a lot of great marketing on pet websites promising a desirable product. But as we know, the real results come from the opinions of the buying customer.

  1. Practice indoors first

You don’t want to take your cat outside on the first day you put on a harness. They really need to warm up to the idea. We all know cats have a mind of their own and like to be independent. So make it fun and make it seem like their idea.

When you try it on your cat, make sure you take your time and don’t cause any stressful reactions. Let them sniff it, go around it, get used to it, and then try putting it on them again. It may help to have a companion for this part, especially if your cat is a bit noisy.

Putting a seatbelt on your cat for the first time can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Wearing it around the house and letting your cat start the walking process in your space will help.

  1. Use positive reinforcement

Of course, your cat is not a dog and will need slightly different training. However, they have one thing in common – they love hospitality. Use your cat’s favorite treats to convince them to behave in the process.

They may not be too fond of praise, but they will certainly be motivated to obey. You can also put some snacks outside to encourage your cat to walk (they’ll think it was their idea).

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