Cats communicate and use very different body language than humans. So, determining if your cat cares about you can be a bit challenging. Luckily, cats do give off signals and exhibit certain behaviors that indicate they like you. They may be subtle to us, but some of these signals are very obvious expressions of emotion to cats. Here are some of the ways cats show they care about their humans.

Top 10 ways cats care for their humans

  1. they rub up against you

If a cat approaches you first, you can take it as a compliment. If it continues to rub its cheek against you, there’s a good chance it likes you. Cats have scent glands in their cheeks and around their faces, and they often rub their faces against people, other animals, and objects. This behavior can signal territorial division, but when it’s done on a person or animal, it can be a sign of acceptance or greeting from the cat.

Cats rub their bodies against their owners

  1. they blink their eyes slowly

Cats are very observant animals. You will often find them staring at something. If you notice your cat is relaxing and staring at you, try to meet his eyes and blink slowly once. If your cat blinks slowly, it’s a sign that he trusts you and is attached to you.

The most successful method I’ve had is to get older cats to blink slowly. This is probably because they are usually quieter than kittens and it’s easier for me to get their attention when they are lounging around.

  1. They knead with their front paws

Cats knead or “make cookies” with their front paws when they are relaxed. My cat will often knead on her favorite rug, or if she’s particularly fond of it, she’ll knead her paws on my lap and then lie down, or when she’s being petted. While it’s a nice gesture, it can sometimes be painful if she digs her paws in too deep. So, when she’s making cookies, I usually put a blanket next to her as a barrier.

Bengal rubbing blanket

  1. they live in the same room as you.

Some cats may prefer to be left alone and don’t like pets, but they can still show affection in their own way. More independent cats may show they care about you by being in the same room as you.

Cats like to have multiple hiding places in the house because it makes them feel safe. So, if your cat likes to be in the same room as you, it’s probably because he feels safe around you.

Because cats like cozy hiding places, I set up places near my work area. My cat often likes to hang out or sleep in these spaces when I’m working, or when she wants to be near me but doesn’t want to be disturbed.

  1. They show their bellies

Cats are very protective of their bellies because they are vulnerable places. So if they are relaxed around you with their limbs stretched out, it means they trust you. Some cats will even roll over and expose their bellies when they are pets. This is a strong sign of trust and your cat will feel very relaxed and comfortable around you.

Owner rubbing a cat’s belly

  1. they meow around you.

Cats whine for several reasons, and they sometimes whine when they are happy. So, if a cat purrs when you pet it, or if it’s in the same room as you, it’s likely to indicate that it’s content.

Cats also purr when they are trying to communicate with others. So, you can try responding to your cat with purrs or talking to him softly. It’s always fun when cats purr more, and it’s great to share conversation with your cat.

  1. They sleep next to you

Sleeping puts cats in a vulnerable position, so they only sleep where they feel safe. A cat sleeping near or next to you shows that it doesn’t see you as a threat. It’s a sign of trust and may also mean that you will support each other.

My first interactions with cats usually start with them hiding in a safe place and observing. Not all cats end up sleeping on the bed at night, but once they feel comfortable they usually sleep in the bedroom.

Owner and cat sleeping in bed together

  1. they headbutt you

You may think your cat is head-butting you, but his head-butting can also be a sign of affection. Not all cats do this, especially if they don’t like to be petted. However, some cats will headbutt you when they want your attention.

If your cat headbutts you, try scratching him under the chin and around the ears. If he’s still, he’s enjoying the attention and a free massage. My cat often headbutts me after dinner. I just take it as

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